Brand Research

What is a brand?
Brand is your promise

Set of perceptions and images that represent your company, product or service in the hearts and minds of your customers and non-customers

Identity is part of your brand

All visual aspects of the brand.
How a business wants a brand's name, communication style, logo and other visual elements to be perceived by consumers

Logo part of your identity

A sign or symbol that clearly identifies a your brand

Review Analysis and strategy

We offer a range of customer workshops, management seminars, evaluations and research services to help you understand the relationships consumers and others have with your brand. These services include:

  • CJM Research Services

    Understand your brand

    Understanding how your company and its competitors are viewed by customers, potential customers, staff, stakeholders and competitors helps you focus on what you do well, what you need to improve and helps you develop your relationships with customers and stakeholders; helps you develop products and services; and helps you understand your brand personality and how you should develop your marketing and communication.

    Grow your brand

    Our approach is always to work in partnership with clients to deliver real insight and practical, actionable recommendations and we would welcome the opportunity to come and meet with you for an informal chat about how we can work together to make your business better.

    Please get in touch to discuss how we can help you understand, develop and manage your brand.

    Email us by clicking this link:
    CJM Research

    Make better decisions

    CJM Research are experts in branding, market research and insight. With decades of experience between helping global and national businesses understand their brand we would like to offer you the chance to work with us to develop your business.

    Working with CJM Research will help you make better decisions to develop your business by improving your understanding of your own and competitor brands and consumer expectations and perceptions.
  • Understand your brand

    Your Brand:
    What does your brand stand for and how does this match to the customer perceptions and competitor offers?
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  • Understand your customers

    Your Customers:
    Who are your customers and how do they see your relationship?

    How can you attract new customers and where can you improve your service delivery and marketing?
    Know your customers
  • Understand your competitive landscape

    Your Competitive Landscape:
    Who are your competitors?

    What do consumers think of them?

    How are you differentiated in the market?

    How does this align with your internal view?